Friday, December 26, 2014

Those Godless Americans

Today is December 26th. In Finland and in much of the civilized world it is the second Christmas Day. Read the following Wikipedia article, please!
Today was supposed to be one of those rare days when I could actually sleep late, take it easy and enjoy the the peace, good will and quiet usually associated with Christmas. However, I was rudely awakened at 8:30am by loud banging and strange swirling machinery sounds. Usually ear damaging noises in my neighborhood can be explained by my neighbors using their leaf blowers, but this was something else. Two houses down a huge group of roofers were removing the roofing shingles! WTF?!?!
   I really should not be that surprised about this, as I do live in the United States - a country that does dot celebrate the Second Christmas Day. That is strange, because most American politicians (especially the Southern and the conservative ones) claim that the US is a christian country. In most of the civilized world Christmas (the birthday of our savior) is such a big holiday, that one day observation just isn't enough. So if the United States really is a christian country, please prove it! Stay home on December 26th and let me sleep!

P.S. In Finland (and many other civilized countries) we have two Easter days also.

In spite of my rude awakening this morning I still have some Christmas Spirit left. Therefore I am attaching a link to a cool new Christmas song that My friend Markojuhani Rautavaara and Kuunkuiskaajat (a folk duo) made.

As I pointed out in my last blog entry Marko was the lead singer in Kärsäräkä (Snoutsnot).
Last summer when I was in Finland we started to talk about possible Kärsäräkä re-union.
The re-union plans are starting to look good, even though we haven't been able to locate our bass player Olli yet.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

I hate "The Little Drummer Boy"

This is the time of the year when we are supposed to have peace on earth and good will among men. At least this is how things are supposed to be, but in the real world things very rarely work out that way. No, I am not talking about Vladimir Putin or ISIS or the sad state of international or domestic affairs. I am talking about a much bigger problem: I am talking about "The Little Drummer Boy" - that horrendous song that we hear every year during Christmas time.
   Every time I hear that song I get violently ill and I get the uncontrollable urge to destroy the closest radio or CD-player with an axe. So far my co-workers have managed to hold me down during my destructive impulses and no property has been damaged and no lives have been lost. So far...
   You might ask, "What is wrong with this song?"  Well, it is plain stupid and annoying. I think the worst part for me is that "Pa rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum
" part. If I hear that I get painful dry heaves. "Pa rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum, ".... I guess that is how non-drummers describe drum sound.
   The other problem of course is that you don't play drums next to sleeping newborns. Or any newborn for that matter. When my daughters were babies I didn't play drums next to them. If someone else had tried to play drums next to them I would have destroyed their drums with an axe.
   Every time I talk about how I hate this song I always get the same response from people:
"Well, you must like that Bing Crosby/David Bowie version". No, I don't. I hate that too!
This is the season to be jolly. This is not the season to listen to crappy songs.

If you want to hear some great Christmas songs, there are plenty to choose from.
Here are a couple of examples: 

John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
It is not a traditional  Christmas song, but it is a classic and it gets better every year. 
We miss you John.

This next one is sung in Finnish, so if you don't speak Finnish you won't understand the lyrics, but it is my all time favorite. The Words were written By Zacharias Topelius (1818 -1898) , a Finnish author, poet, educator etc. Jean Sibelius wrote the music in 1895. 
Sibelius, of course, could do no wrong. Even if you don't speak Finnish you will still be able to enjoy the melody. Topelius wrote the lyrics in Swedish and they were translated to Finnish in 1909, probably by Martti Korpilahti. Here we have a couple of versions:
First one sung by Jorma Hynninen, a Finnish baritone.

Jorma Hynninen "En Etsi valtaa Loistoa"

The next one is sung by Rajaton, a Finnish choral/accapella group. This is a cool version also.

Rajaton "En Etsi Valtaa Loistoa"

And here is my friend and a longtime partner-in-crime Markojuhani Rautavaara singing the same song. This guy was the lead singer of Kärsäräkä (Snoutsnot) from 1972 to 1980.

Markojuhani Rautavaara "En Etsi Valtaa Loistoa"

The singer doesn't seek power, glory or gold. He/she wants peace on earth and light into the darkness. I found a relatively good English translation a few days ago, but now I can't find it. If I come across it again I will post it here.

Happy Christmas everybody.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Cool songs from 1980's

Thanks to YouTube I recently discovered a couple of cool songs that I hadn't heard in a long, long time.

The first one was a song called "The Price"  by Twisted Sister. It turns out  that this song was some kind of a minor hit for them. Well, I never heard this song on the radio, but I did hear it when I saw Twisted Sister at the Orpheum Theatre in Boston. I don't remember the year, but it was in the 1980's. Parts of  this song has been playing in my head ever since. Luckily a couple of months ago I finally found out the name of the song. You should pay attention to the vocals. Dee Snider  is one of those heavy metal/hard rock singers who can actually sing. A cool song.

The other cool song is "Out of the Darkness" by Little Steven (Steven Van Zandt from Bruce Springsteen's E-Street Band). In this case I actually re-discovered this song, because I bought this song on a 45. I also saw Little Steven play this song in Helsinki sometime in the -80's. Little Steven left the E-Street Band at the height of their career and started doing his own thing.  A cool song.

Interesting piece of trivia about these two songs. Both Jay Jay French of Twisted Sister and Little Steven play Guild X-79 guitar on these videos. I don't think this fact alone made these songs cool, but it certainly didn't hurt either.

Little Steven didn't just go solo; he also became the conscience of the rock world. In 1985 
he organized the Artist United Against Apartheid project and recorded a song called "Sun City" (named after a "for whites only" resort in South Africa). By doing this he brought attention to the South African Apartheid problem in the 1980's when president Reagan refused to take action. As I already mentioned in my very first blog entry I was boycotting Mohegan Sun Casino for years after Apartheid had ended. Mohegan Sun is owned and operated by the same company that owned Sun City.

Here is the Artists United against Apartheid song.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Unwrapping Pearl marching toms...

I dug out my old heatgun and started to heat the wrap.  First I was heating the seam area where the wrap overlaps itself. I had hoped that the intense heat from the heatgun would just melt the adhesive and I could just peel the wrap away. It didn't work out that way. Whatever adhesive Pearl was using was holding its own. I had to cut through the wrap with my pocket knife. This time I did not stab myself.

After that I started heatgunning the wrap while at the same time pushing a spatula between the shell and the wrap. It worked. It was more time consuming than I expected, but 3 out of those 4 Pearl toms are now unwrapped.

 I had originally hoped to be able to save the old wrap in one piece. If I ever wanted to re-wrap the drums I could have just used the old wrap as a stencil and trace it on new wrap material. As you can see below the old wrap came off mostly in small pieces that can't be used for anything.

Next step is to remove the adhesive residue that is sticking very aggressively.

To be continued...

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Cars that I have loved and lost

In my youth, probably around 1979, I had a fresh driver's license and I was looking for a car. At that time  I was playing drums in Kärsäräkä (Snoutsnot), my first band. I wanted to get a van so I could haul my drums and other band equipment around.
The situation in Finland was tricky. Included in the price of a car was a thing called
"car tax" (autovero). This tax was was about 50% of the price of the car! That's right! Consequently cars were twice as expensive in Finland than let's say in neighboring Sweden. This tax was not collected on vans, so vans were much cheaper than cars. Vans had some limitations though. In vans you could only have two passengers in addition to the driver. You also had a big yellow sticker in the back of the van indicating that you were not supposed to drive that vehicle faster than 80 kilometers (50 miles) hour.
Kärsäräkä had four members, so legally I couldn't have taken the whole band to a gig in a van.
I, however, violated that law just about every day.
   My dream vehicle therefore was pre- 67 VW Microbus, similar to the one below.

It had to be pre -67 because they looked so cool. 1967 was the best year for both type 1 (Bug) and type 2 (van) Volkswagens, because it was the last year with the cool body style and the first year with 12 volt electrical system. There was one of these microbuses (I think it was 1966 though) at a used car dealership near my fathers office. I was ready to buy it, but a co-worker came to see it before I bought it. He told me not to get it because there was so much rust damage near the rear axle.
   My father kept telling me that I should  get something cooler. He knew a guy who had a Austin-Healey, a sports car similar to the one below.

It had very low mileage ( about 8000 km since new ) and the guy was willing to let it go really cheap. I kept telling my father that I need a van and I turned that Austin-Healey down. My father told me that I was stupid. He told me that the opportunity only knocks once. There would never be another deal like that.
   A couple of months later the opportunity did knock for the second time. Most of my father's customers were in the automotive field and they knew where to get a cool car. Unbelievably there was another Austin-Healey with almost as low mileage and almost as low price tag. My father was adamant. He insisted that I should get that car. I turned this one down too. My father told me that I was an idiot for not buying that car. He predicted that in few years I would regret this decision and I would be kicking myself for the rest of my life.
    I did not get a microbus or any other van. I kept using my father's company van for gigging. I kept violating the law by having way too many people in the van. I seem to remember that I once had 29 people in that van.  I am sure the statute of limitations has expired on this one.  When I was doing my military service I finally got my first car. It was a 1963 Volvo PV Sport. (Volvo 544S in the U.S.) Similar to the one below, even the color was the same.

When I came to the U.S. to study in 1982 I had to sell my beloved Volvo. It was a great car - it was built like a tank. Actually, I think it was stronger than a tank. It was a great car for Northern European winters - the heater could be adjusted anywhere between "hot" and "way too hot". I wish I still had it.
However, now every time I see an Austin-Healey driving by I kick myself. And I kick myself hard. My father was right and I have told him so.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Marching drums

A couple of years ago I bought some old marching drums. I have seen various high school marching bands playing this type of drums in the Holyoke Saint Patrick's Day parade. They always sounded really cool, and when I found some really cheap ones on eBay, I bought them. I think I paid about $60 + shipping for these.   The red ones are Pearl marching drums 8", 10", 12", and 13". The glittery green ones are old Slingerlands 14" and 16".  The Pearls were originally white, but someone painted them with a hideous red paint. I thought about removing the red paint and using these toms with my pearlescent white set, but I don't really enjoy using paint remover. Stripping old paint off drums is very messy and toxic. I've done it before. The Sparkly green covering on the Slingerlands actually looks cool. It makes me want to play surf music. Unfortunately the wrap is not in great shape.
   So all the wrap had to go. I was gonna strip these drums down to the bare wood. They would probably work well with my old 28" Leedy bass drum. This bass drum is lacquered wood. I took off all the hardware today (March 23rd,2013) and started to remove the covering off the smallest Pearl. I ran into trouble right away - the wrap is glued really solidly to the shell. It started to come off in little pieces. I regretted my decision already. I should have just stripped the paint. Well, too late now. I kept chipping away using various spatulas and knives until I stabbed my thumb with my knife. I am going to try with a heat gun next.

I have been thinking about  how to set the drums up. Should I try to keep this marching configuration and place the bass drum under the two smallest toms? That would certainly open up possibilities that you would not even think of with a more traditional setup. (Just check out Bill Bruford's setup if you have a chance) Or should I just set them up in the traditional way? That way I could play extra long descending drum fills. I wish I had a 6" marching tom to complete the set.
To be continued....

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Black Star Riders

Reformed Thin Lizzy decided not to release new material as Thin Lizzy. In December 2012 they formed a new band "Black Star Riders". Maybe this was a good idea. Brian Downey and Darren Wharton, however, decided not to continue the heavy touring. Scott Gorham, Ricky Warwick, Marco Mendoza and Damon Johnson got Jimmy DeGrasso (formerly Megadeth, Alice Cooper, Y&T, Etc...) to play drums. A couple of days ago their first single appeared on YouTube.
                                                             Bound For Glory

     (I updated this link on April 6th when a when this video by Nuclear Blast Records appeared)

It sounds great. The guitar harmonies are there and  Lizzy style guitar riffs are there. After a couple of years touring with Lizzy Ricky Warwick is starting to sing like Phil Lynott - just listen to him sighing after the first line. This is not a bad thing. I would do the same if I was a singer.  The CD is coming out in May and I am definitely buying it as soon as I can.

Here are the Black Star Riders. From left to right:
Damon Johnson (Guitar), Scott Gorham (Guitar, the only guy left from the classic Lizzy line-up), Ricky Warwick (Vocals,Guitar) , Marco Mendoza (Bass) and Jimmy DeGrasso Drums).