Wednesday, December 24, 2014

I hate "The Little Drummer Boy"

This is the time of the year when we are supposed to have peace on earth and good will among men. At least this is how things are supposed to be, but in the real world things very rarely work out that way. No, I am not talking about Vladimir Putin or ISIS or the sad state of international or domestic affairs. I am talking about a much bigger problem: I am talking about "The Little Drummer Boy" - that horrendous song that we hear every year during Christmas time.
   Every time I hear that song I get violently ill and I get the uncontrollable urge to destroy the closest radio or CD-player with an axe. So far my co-workers have managed to hold me down during my destructive impulses and no property has been damaged and no lives have been lost. So far...
   You might ask, "What is wrong with this song?"  Well, it is plain stupid and annoying. I think the worst part for me is that "Pa rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum
" part. If I hear that I get painful dry heaves. "Pa rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum, ".... I guess that is how non-drummers describe drum sound.
   The other problem of course is that you don't play drums next to sleeping newborns. Or any newborn for that matter. When my daughters were babies I didn't play drums next to them. If someone else had tried to play drums next to them I would have destroyed their drums with an axe.
   Every time I talk about how I hate this song I always get the same response from people:
"Well, you must like that Bing Crosby/David Bowie version". No, I don't. I hate that too!
This is the season to be jolly. This is not the season to listen to crappy songs.

If you want to hear some great Christmas songs, there are plenty to choose from.
Here are a couple of examples: 

John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
It is not a traditional  Christmas song, but it is a classic and it gets better every year. 
We miss you John.

This next one is sung in Finnish, so if you don't speak Finnish you won't understand the lyrics, but it is my all time favorite. The Words were written By Zacharias Topelius (1818 -1898) , a Finnish author, poet, educator etc. Jean Sibelius wrote the music in 1895. 
Sibelius, of course, could do no wrong. Even if you don't speak Finnish you will still be able to enjoy the melody. Topelius wrote the lyrics in Swedish and they were translated to Finnish in 1909, probably by Martti Korpilahti. Here we have a couple of versions:
First one sung by Jorma Hynninen, a Finnish baritone.

Jorma Hynninen "En Etsi valtaa Loistoa"

The next one is sung by Rajaton, a Finnish choral/accapella group. This is a cool version also.

Rajaton "En Etsi Valtaa Loistoa"

And here is my friend and a longtime partner-in-crime Markojuhani Rautavaara singing the same song. This guy was the lead singer of Kärsäräkä (Snoutsnot) from 1972 to 1980.

Markojuhani Rautavaara "En Etsi Valtaa Loistoa"

The singer doesn't seek power, glory or gold. He/she wants peace on earth and light into the darkness. I found a relatively good English translation a few days ago, but now I can't find it. If I come across it again I will post it here.

Happy Christmas everybody.

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